Ensure you have PUNv2, UCC and PUN-Addon installed. Other MP solutions will be accounted for as they are released.
Optionally install Photon Voice 2.
Optionally install Ultimate Seating Controller and the Helicopter Addon for the fullest of battle setups.
If your using Ultimate Seating Controller, extract the DemoBoardCharacters package. Replace the character prefabs in the MP Spawn Manager and MPDM Team Manager components for each game mode.
Add to tags > “Flag”, “CaptureZone”, or you can set the tag you will use for the flags and capture zones within the MP CTF Ability within the Ultimate Character Locomotion component on your character/s.
Install Ultimate Multi Player.
IMPORTANT – After completing the above steps. Open each of the included demo scenes in the editor. This will cleanup any irrelevant add-on objects.