Setup Character to interact with a BoardSource

Tools > FastSkillTeam > Seating Controller Manager

Drop or Select Gameobject in the Object to Setup field

Click Setup Object

If you added the parachute ability, ensure the parachute fields are correct, mainly, “Parachute Gameobject” and “Attach Point Bone”. “Attach Point Bone”, is usually a bone around the chest area of your character.


Add Board Ability to character

For Full Body > Add FPBodyDemo_TemplateAnimatorBoard Animator Controller to your character and the avatar field should be set to NeoDemoCharacter_Combined_AnimatedAvatar, or modify your animator to match the FPBodyDemo_TemplateAnimatorBoard animator where required.

Optionally add Parachute Ability to character.

If you added the parachute ability, ensure the parachute fields are correct, mainly, “Parachute Gameobject” and “Attach Point Bone”. “Attach Point Bone”, is usually a bone around the chest area of your character.

Optionally add RagDoll Ability to character

Ensure the “Ragdoll Prefab” field has an entry with a character ragdoll.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023