MP DM Master

Description #

An example of how to extend the base (MPMaster) class with a call to show the deathmatch scoreboard when the game pauses on end-of-round, and to restore it when the game resumes.

Note: Study the base class (MPMaster) to learn how the game state works.

In Detail: MPDMMaster extends the base MPMaster class and adds additional functionality specific to deathmatch gameplay. It includes a call to show the deathmatch scoreboard when the game pauses at the end of a round and restores it when the game resumes. This extension provides an example of how to customize the base class to incorporate deathmatch-specific features. Study the base class (MPMaster) to understand the overall game state and customize MPDMMaster accordingly for your deathmatch gameplay.

Inspector Fields #

Game Start Delay #

Type: float

Description: Initial delay for starting the match. Set to -1 for no delay. This can be used in combination with Min Start Players to delay the start of the match until a minimum number of players have joined.

Min Start Players #

Type: int

Description: Minimum number of players required to start the match. This can be used in combination with Game Start Delay to delay the start of the match until a minimum number of players have joined.

Max Players #

Type: int

Description: Maximum number of players allowed in the match.

Round Count #

Type: int

Description: How many rounds should be played in one game session. The game will be over after this number of rounds are completed. Set to -1 for endless rounds.

Round Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long each round plays out as a maximum, in seconds. Note that objective completion can end a round before this time is up.

Interval Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long the interval is between each round, in seconds. During this interval, the game is paused, and the score can be displayed.

Game Type #

Type: GameType (enum)

Description: Defines the type of game mode for objective-based game modes. Use GameType.Standard for game modes with no objectives.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023