Per Seat Settings


You can set any name for the seat here for your own reference, this is entirely



There is three main types of seat to choose from.


Has control of the vehicle and will be considered the owner online. If has vehicle

weapons, can also use them. If no vehicle weapons and allowed equipped slot mask

allows, character can use items from inventory.


If has vehicle weapons, can use them. If no vehicle weapons and allowed equipped

slot mask allows, character can use items from inventory.

It is also possible to walk around designated areas of vehicle(eg back of truck) and

roam the BoardSourcePlatform freely.


If has vehicle weapons, can use them. If no vehicle weapons and allowed equipped

slot mask allows, character can use items from inventory.

Animator ID

Refer to UltimateCharacterController Drive Documentation.

Seat Position

GameObject attached to the BoardSource GameObject defining where the character

position will be when seated in this seat. The character will be parented to the Seat

Position GameObject.


It is possible to walk around designated areas of vehicle(eg back of truck) and roam

the BoardSourcePlatform freely seat ‘Type’ should never be ‘Driver’ if this is set but is

lleft open for complicated scenarios, like sailing a boat (with your own custom code),

or balancing a surfboard with a free character(with your own custom code).

Affect Third Person Cam Limits

Only used when not using any Override State.

Cam Limits

Only used when not using any Override State.

Field Of View

Overrides the camera field of view, -1 for no override. Only used when not using any

Override State

Auto Find IK Links

Automatically find all AbilityIKTarget components from Seat Position object and its

children (true). If false, will solely depend on the Hand IK Links Root and Feet IK

Links Root

Hand IK Links Root

A reference to the root Transform of the Hand Ability IK Targets. Useful for steering

wheels, handlebars, vehicle weapons etc.

NOTE: If Hand Ability IK Targets are child of seat GameObject then it is not

necessary to set this reference.

Feet IK Links Root

A reference to the root Transform of the Feet Ability IK Targets. Useful for pedals,

pegs, vehicle weapons etc.

NOTE: If Feet Ability IK Targets are child of seat GameObject then it is not

necessary to set this reference.

Detect Ground Collisions

Useful to allow or restrict character ground detection, recommended to be false for

vehicles than can crash using OnCollision.

Force Independent Look

Useful to allow or restrict character rotations. Recommended to leave set to true.

Use Car Camera Controller

True to use RCC Camera while in the seat, else will use UCC camera.

Can Change Perspective

Can the player change view perspectives while in this seat?

Hide First Person Arms

This option will force third person arms visible when in first person view.

Useful for showing arms while driving, shooting from a window or operating a

manned weapon etc.

This can be achieved with state presets but is tedious to setup all the objects,

suggested to have this true unless character can openly fire a weapon like on the

back of the quadbike.

Teleport To Seat

Set this true to have character snap to seat, false to use animated entry/exit from this


Can Aim

Can the player aim while in this seat?

Visible Player

Should the character be visible while in this seat?

Invincible Player (only available if Visible Player is true)

Should the player be invincible? If false the player can take damage while on board a

BoardSource and in this seat.

NOTE: If the character is invisible this will be true as naturally it should be. The option

will be hidden.

Override State

Optionally enter the name of the State that should be set when in this seat. Useful for

different IK and Camera setups etc.

Append View State

This option is available if Can Change Perspective is true. Useful for alternative

crosshair management.

Append Aim State

This option is available if Can Aim is true. Useful for zooming with vehicle weapons.

Components To Enable

Any components that should be enabled while character is in this seat.

Components To Disable

Any components that should be disabled while character is this seat.

Controllable Vehicle Weapons

Add VehicleWeaponShooters here, and enter input names they will use.(“Fire1”

“Fire2” are standard)

NOTE: If using character item setups with ShootableWeapon components, then the

characters Use Ability determines input as per character inventory items.

If first person perspective will be available, First Person Cam Pos CANNOT BE

EMPTY in the seat that uses this weapon.

NOTE: See page 19 for VehicleWeaponShooter documentation

Use Camera Pivot

If there is no vehicle weapons for the seat, there is still the option to use a custom

camera pivot. This will force the VehicleWeaponViewTypes active.

Camera Pivot

The reference GameObject for the camera position and rotation for seats with

VehicleWeapons or when using a custom camera pivot.

Allow Equipped Items


Which slots are allowed to be equipped from the inventory?

Allow Item Definitons

Optionally only allow items specified in this array.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023