MP DM Objective Conquest

Description #

An example of how to extend MPDMObjectiveBase.cs for Conquest/Zone Control style gameplay.

Note: MPDMObjectiveConquest extends MPDMObjectiveBase.cs and adds specific functionality for Conquest/Zone Control style gameplay. It includes variables related to flag positions, scoring intervals, capturing speed, and renderer color. Modify these variables as needed to suit the requirements of your gameplay.

Inspector Fields #

Target Raised #

Type: Transform

Description: The position the flag will be at when it is captured.

Default Value: null

Target Fallen #

Type: Transform

Description: The position the flag will be at when it is neutral.

Default Value: null

Score Update Interval #

Type: float

Description: The interval, in seconds, for bonus scoring while a team owns the flag. Determines how often the score is updated.

Speed Per Player #

Type: float

Description: The speed at which the flag will rise or fall, multiplied by the number of players capturing it. Adjusting this value allows customization of the capturing speed based on the number of players involved.

Use Defending Team Color #

Type: bool

Description: If true, the objective renderer color will be set to the defending team’s color as per MPTeamManager. If false, the renderer color will be blue for defenders and red for potential attackers. Leaving this at the default (false) provides clarity.

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Updated on August 14, 2023