MP Master

Description #

This component is the king of the multiplayer game! It manages the overall game logic of the master client, including multiplayer game time cycles, assembly and broadcasting of full or partial game states with game phase, clock, and player stats. It also handles team allocation, initial spawn points for joining players, and broadcasts the local version of the simulation in case of a local master client handover.

MPMaster is responsible for managing the overall game logic of the master client in a multiplayer game. It includes variables for controlling match start delay, player counts, round counts, round duration, interval duration, and game type. Customize these variables to configure the desired behavior for your multiplayer game.

Inspector Fields #

Game Start Delay #

Type: float

Description: Initial delay for starting the match. Set to -1 for no delay. This can be used in combination with Min Start Players to delay the start of the match until a minimum number of players have joined.

Min Start Players #

Type: int

Description: Minimum number of players required to start the match. This can be used in combination with Game Start Delay to delay the start of the match until a minimum number of players have joined.

Max Players #

Type: int

Description: Maximum number of players allowed in the match.

Round Count #

Type: int

Description: How many rounds should be played in one game session. The game will be over after this number of rounds are completed. Set to -1 for endless rounds.

Round Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long each round plays out as a maximum, in seconds. Note that objective completion can end a round before this time is up.

Interval Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long the interval is between each round, in seconds. During this interval, the game is paused, and the score can be displayed.

Game Type #

Type: GameType (enum)

Description: Defines the type of game mode for objective-based game modes. Use GameType.Standard for game modes with no objectives.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023