
Included is a Parachute ability, along with a gunship example you can parachute from.

Parachute GameObject

The GameObject that represents the visual transform of the parachute, can be attached to root of player or a prefab to spawn.

Unequip When No Chute

If the bool is true, then weapons are only equipped whilst the parachute is depoyed. If the bool is false the player can equip throughout all states during the fall.

Pickup On Board

Should a parachute be picked up when board is triggered. Lots of games use this feature.

Requires Pickup

Does a parachute need to be picked up to be able to use the ability?

Is Single Use

Can the parachute be deployed more than once during a single fall? (useful if cord is cut)

Min Deploy Altitude

The ability cannot start below this altitude.

Deploy Input

Any inputs in this array can deploy the parachute. Demo uses “Action”.

Cut Cord Input

Any inputs in this array can cut the parachute cord and resume the characters fall. Demo uses “Crouch”.

Auto Start Altitude

The parachute can be auto deployed at or below this altitude. -1 to never automatically deploy by altitude.

Auto Deploy Delay

The parachute can automatically deploy after a set delay. -1 to never automatically deploy by delay.

Pitch Force

The forwards force to be added when pitching forwards while the parachute is deployed.

Roll Gravity Modifier

The multiplier for roll affecting gravity while the parachute is deployed.

Max Gravity Effect

The base gravity which determines fall rate while the parachute is deployed.

Gravity Transition Speed

The gravity transition speed when deploying the parachute, more for more snappy, less for more smooth.

Parachute Root Bone

The root bone Transform of the parachute GameObject, should be located at the harness location.

Parachute Root Bone Object ID

The root bone ObjectID of the parachute, for use at runtime when Parachute GameObject is spawned.

Attach Point Bone

The character bone the Parachute Root Bone should attach to.

Altitude Text

Optional UI text to display altitude and rate of descent.

Is Wind Affected

Can Unity Wind affect the behaviour?

Skydive Wind Multiplier

How much the Unity Wind will affect the behaviour while in a skydiving state.

Parachute Wind Multiplier

How much the Unity Wind will affect the behaviour while the parachute is deployed.

Skydive Move Force

How much input can steer while skydiving.

Auto Start Delay

The ability can automatically start after a set delay if the character has left the ground. -1 to never automatically start by delay.

Auto Stop Delay

Upon landing the ability will stop after this delay.

Chute Disable Delay

The parachute GameObject will disable after this delay.

Auto Start Block Duration

The duration that ANY automatic starts should be blocked. -1 to never block automatic starts.

Start Landing Altitude

When the character reaches this altitude it will go into a landing state which realigns the character to the gravity direction.

Early Death Prevention Hieght

The character can cheat death if they cut the cord below this altitude.

Jump Force

Jump force that will be applied when the character leaves a ledge that is higher than the Min Deploy Altitude.

Ambient Forward Force

While the parachute is deployed this much ambient forward force will be applied.

Rotation Speed

The speed at which pitch and roll character rotations will be applied while the parachute is deployed.

Max Forward Pitch

The maximum amount the character can pitch forwards while the parachute is deployed.

Max Backward Pitch

The maximum amount the character can pitch backwards while the parachute is deployed.

Pitch Gravity Multiplier

The multiplier for pitch affecting gravity while the parachute is deployed.

Max Roll

The maximum amount of roll that can be applied while the parachute is deployed.

Roll Force

The sideways force to be added when rolling while the parachute is deployed.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023