MP CTF Ability

Description #

This ability allows the character to pickup and capture CTF flags/objectives.

Note: MPCTFAbility provides the functionality for the character to interact with CTF flags or objectives, including picking them up and capturing them. The m_CarryPosition variable determines where the picked-up objective is visually attached to the character. The m_CaptureZoneTag and m_PickupTag variables define the tags of the trigger colliders used for capturing and picking up the objectives, respectively. Modify these variables as needed to match your CTF gameplay mechanics and object tagging conventions.

Inspector Fields #

Carry Position #

Type: Transform

Description: The carry position at which the objective will be placed when it is picked up. This determines the position where the CTF flag or objective will be visually attached to the character.

Default Value: null

Capture Zone Tag #

Type: string

Description: The tag of the game object with a trigger collider that represents the capture zone for the pickup. The objective is completed when the pickup (CTF flag or objective) is brought to this capture zone.

Default Value: “CaptureZone”

Pickup Tag #

Type: string

Description: The tag of the game object with a trigger collider that represents the pickup (CTF flag or objective). This tag is used to identify the pickup object for interaction by the character.

Default Value: “Flag”

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Updated on August 14, 2023