Custom Damage Processor

Description #

CustomDamageProcessor is a custom damage processor for character weapons. It is used throughout all FastSkillteam assets for the Ultimate Character Controller.

CustomDamageProcessor provides a customizable damage processing system for weapons. It allows you to block damage and/or force applied to specific objects by specifying their names in the Blocked Damage Target Names array. Adjust the variables according to your game’s requirements for handling damage and blocking specific targets.

Assets > Create > FastSkillTeam > UltimateCharacterController > Damage Processors > Custom Damage Processor

Inspector Fields #

Debug Blocked #

Type: bool

Description: Enable debug logging for blocked damage targets.

Default Value: false

Allow Damage On Blocked Targets #

Type: bool

Description: Determines whether damage is allowed on blocked targets.

Default Value: false

Allow Force On Blocked Targets #

Type: bool

Description: Determines whether force can be applied to blocked targets.

Default Value: false

Blocked Damage Target Names #

Type: string[]

Description: An array of names for objects that should be blocked from receiving damage. Damage from weapons will be blocked if the object’s name contains any of the specified Blocked Damage Target Names. Useful for blocking damage to specific objects such as tanks, helicopters, or rush objectives.

Default Value: new string array {“BulletResistant”}

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Updated on August 14, 2023