Motorbike Controller

The motorbike controller is a WIP inclusion. This section is subject to change at any time.

The motorbike controller is physics driven; you do not need any animations on the bike at all.

To perform a wheel-stand, hold the sprint (Speed Change) key.

There is a lot of options to determine handling of the bike, and some of these will require some very fine tuning.

Offroad Wheel Colliders #

At least one off-road wheel collider is recommended, for the rear wheel. If you forget to add it to this array, and it exists, it will be found anyway.

Engine #

Max Speed #

Relative to the speed type, this is the maximum allowed speed of the bike.

Speed Type #

The unit conversion type for the speed.

Gears #

The gear curves.

Rev Range Boundary #

The max and min rev range.

Two Wheel Drive #

Use two wheel drive?

Max Motor Torque #

The engines power at max.

Max Reverse Motor Torque #

The engines power at max while reversing.

Max Forward Brake #

The front braking power at max.

Max Rear Brake #

The rear braking power at max.

Downforce #

Amount of downforce to apply, relative to speed.

MaxSteerAngle #

How sharp the bike can steer.

Crash and Recover #

Crash Layer Mask #

The layers of any solid objects that will cause an accident if colliding above Crash Speed Threshold.

Crash Speed Threshold #

The minimum speed crashing is allowed.

Auto Reset Up Normal #

Auto reset after a fall?

Front forward friction #

ExtremumSlipFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

ExtremumValueFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

AsymptoteSlipFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

AsymptoteValueFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

Front sideways friction #

SideExtremumSlipFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

SideExtremumValueFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

SideAsymptoteSlipFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

SideAsymptoteValueFront #

Refer to Unity wheel collider documentation.

Rear forward friction #

As per front forward friction, but for the rear.

Rear sideways friction #

As per front sideways friction, but for the rear.

Assist #

Steering Assist #

0 is raw physics, 1 the bike will grip in the direction it is facing.

Traction Control #

0 is no traction control, 1 is full interference.

Slip Limit #

Amount of allowed tyre slip before Traction Control will kick in.

Misc #

Rear Wheel Follow Wheel Cols #

Should the rear wheel be positioned by the wheel collider world pos?

Front Wheel Follow Wheel Cols #

Should the front wheel be positioned by the wheel collider world pos?

Required #

Driver Seat ID #

ID of driver seat.

Wheel Mesh Front #

A reference to the front wheel mesh.

Wheel Mesh Rear #

A reference to the rear wheel mesh.

Wheel Collider Front #

A reference to the front wheel collider.

Wheel Collider Rear #

A reference to the rear wheel collider.

Wheel Effects Front #

A reference to the front wheel effects.

Wheel Effects Rear #

A reference to the rear wheel effects.

Handle Bars #

A reference to the handlebars mesh.

Axis To Rotate Around #

The axis the handlebars mesh will rotate around locally.

Invert Handle Bar Rotation #

The handlebars axis direction will be reversed.

Balance and Handling #

Max Wheelie Torque #

The maximum amount of applied wheel stand torque/force that can be reached.

Max Wheelie Angle #

The maximum wheelie angle that can be reached.

Max Lean Angle #

The maximum leaning angle that can be reached.

Easy Lean #

Makes the bike easier to ride.

Lean Type #

How till the center of mass adjustments be made?

Lean Around Pivot #

If true, will lean around model pivot, or the pivot set below.

Lean Pivot Point #

Optionally set a custom pivot point. If null and Lean Around Pivot = true, will use transform origin as pivot point.

Center Of Mass #

A reference to the center of mass transform.

Balance Adjust Amount Acceleration #

How aggressive the center of mass change is for acceleration.

Balance Adjust Amount Lean #

How aggressive the center of mass change is for leaning.

Balance Adjust Amount Speed #

How aggressive the center of mass change is for overall speed.

Min Max Com Offset X #

Maximum allowed center of mass position range X.

Min Max Com Offset Y #

Maximum allowed center of mass position range Y.

Min Max Com Offset Z #

Maximum allowed center of mass position range Z.

Wheelie Curve #

The curve of wheelstanding : power ratio.

Nosie Curve #

The curve of nosie : speed ratio.

Lean Curve #

The curve of leaning : speed ratio.

Steer Curve #

The curve of steering : speed ratio.

Powerslide Curve #

The curve of slide : speed : wheelstand ratio.

Lean Force #

The force multiplier for lean.

Power Slide Force #

The force multiplier for sliding.

Lean Smoothing #

The speed for lean.

Steer Sensitivity #

The react time for steering.

Wheelie Force #

The force multiplier for wheel standing.

Use Torque For Wheelie #

Use force or torque for wheelie?

Can Hold Wheelie Once Started #

To be further implemented, this is relevant for stunts.

Nosie Force #

To be further implemented, this is relevant for stunts.

Assist Angle Threshold #

Help stabilize the bike further after this angle.

Assist Over Angle Adjust Rate #

The rate of assist.

Assist Over Angle Dampening #

The dampening of assist.

Assist Constant Ballast Dampening #

Helps stabilize the bike constantly.

Assist Constant Ballast Adjust Rate #

Helps stabilize the bike constantly.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023