Helicopter UI Monitor

This Component is designed to relay flight and weapon information to the full-screen HUD typically found in battle helicopters.

Standard UCC Fields #

Character #

Left blank this will set itself at runtime.

Visible #

Should the UI be visible?

ID #

The ID the helicopter uses to register with the UI component.

States #

As per usual UCC states.

Helicopter Fields #

I Beam Container #

A reference to the container the I Beam will float around in.

I Beam #

A reference to the I Beam.

Pitch Ladder #

A reference to the pitch ladder.

Pitch Ladder Pivot #

A reference to the pitch ladder pivot point.

Heading Indicator #

A reference to the heading indicator (compass).

Roll Indicator Pivot #

A reference to the roll indicator pivot point.

Vertical Velocity Indicator #

A reference to the vertical velocity indicator.

Vertical Velocity Indicator Container #

A reference to the container the vertical velocity indicator will slide up and down in.

Pilot Weapon 1 Ready Image #

A reference to the image to display if the pilot weapon 1 is ready.

Pilot Weapon 2 Ready Image #

A reference to the image to display if the pilot weapon 2 is ready.

CoPilot Weapon 1 Ready Image #

A reference to the image to display if the copilot weapon 1 is ready.

CoPilot Weapon 2 Ready Image #

A reference to the image to display if the copilot weapon 2 is ready.

CoPilot Weapon Indicator Container #

A reference to the container that the copilot weapon indicator will float around in.

CoPilot Weapon Indicator #

A reference to the copilot weapon indicator.

CoPilot Firing Color #

The color that the copilot weapon indicator will change to if the copilot is firing.

Side Slip Indicator Container #

A reference to the container the sideslip indicator will slide sideways in.

Side Slip Indicator #

A reference to the side slip indicator.

Altitude Bar #

A reference to the altitude fill bar.

Throttle Text #

A reference to the throttle text.

Sea Level Altitude Text #

A reference to the sea level altitude text.

Radar Altitude Text #

A reference to the radar altitude text.

Airspeed Text #

A reference to the airspeed text.

Warning Image #

A reference to the warning image to display when immobilized.

Warning Flash Speed #

The speed that the warning image will flash.

Max Warning Flash Alpha #

The maximum alpha to apply to the warning image and or children when the warning is flashing.

Fade Warning Children #

Should the child warning images be faded when the warning flash is active?

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023