MP DM Objective Rush

Description #

An example of how to extend MPDMObjectiveBase.cs for Rush/Arm/Diffuse style gameplay.

Note: MPDMObjectiveRush extends MPDMObjectiveBase.cs and adds specific functionality for Rush/Arm/Diffuse style gameplay. It includes variables related to objective behavior, progression, interaction timings, scoring, audiovisual alerts, and event triggers. Customize these variables as needed to suit your specific Rush gameplay requirements.

Inspector Fields #

Is Part Of First Set #

Type: bool

Description: Determines whether this objective should be active when a round starts. When the round resets, the “first set” of objectives will be activated, while the rest are deactivated.

Default Value:

Invincible #

Type: bool

Description: Specifies whether this objective can be destroyed by damage. If set to true, the objective is invincible.

Default Value: false

Max Health #

Type: float

Description: Specifies the maximum health of this objective. It also represents the starting health of the objective.

Default Value: 100f

Allow Friendly Damage #

Type: bool

Description: Determines whether the objective can be damaged by the defending team. If set to true, friendly fire can damage the objective.

Default Value: true

Disable On Death #

Type: bool

Description: Specifies whether to disable this gameObject when the objective is destroyed. If set to true, the objective gameObject will be disabled upon destruction

Default Value: true

Use Defending Team Color #

Type: bool

Description: If true, the objective renderer color will be set to the defending team’s color as per MPTeamManager. If false, the renderer color will be blue for defenders and red for potential attackers. Leaving this at the default (false) provides clarity.

Default Value: false

Next Objective Set #

Type: MPDMObjectiveRush[]

Description: Objectives that will be activated when this objective is destroyed. These objectives represent the next set of objectives in the progression.

Default Value: null

Dependent Objectives #

Type: MPDMObjectiveRush[]

Description: Other objectives that need to be destroyed to progress. If null, progression will occur when this objective is destroyed.

Default Value: null

Spawn On Death #

Type: GameObject[]

Description: Any objects that should spawn when this objective is destroyed. These objects are instantiated upon the destruction of the objective.

Default Value: null

Destroy On Death #

Type: GameObject[]

Description: Any objects that should be destroyed when this objective is destroyed. These objects are destroyed upon the destruction of the objective.

Default Value: null

Set Active On Death #

Type: GameObject[]

Description: Any objects that should be set active when this objective is destroyed. These objects are activated upon the destruction of the objective.

Default Value: null

Deactivate On Death #

Type: GameObject[]

Description: Any objects that should be set deactivated when this objective is destroyed. These objects are deactivated upon the destruction of the objective.

Default Value: null

Arm Message #

Type: string

Description: The UI message that should be displayed when the objective can be armed.

Default Value: “Arm”

Disarm Message #

Type: string

Description: The UI message that should be displayed when the objective can be disarmed.

Default Value: “Disarm”

Arm Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long players must interact with the objective until it is armed. The objective needs to be interacted with continuously for this duration.

Default Value: 5f

Disarm Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long players must interact with the objective until it is disarmed. The objective needs to be interacted with continuously for this duration.

Default Value: 5f

Armed Duration #

Type: float

Description: How long the objective can stay armed until it is destroyed. Once armed, the objective remains active for this duration.

Default Value: 10f

Arm Score Amount #

Type: int

Description: When the objective is armed, the player who armed it will be awarded this much score.

Default Value: 25

Disarm Score Amount #

Type: int

Description: When the objective is disarmed, the player who disarmed it will be awarded this much score.

Default Value: 25

Armed Alert Audio Clip #

Type: AudioClip

Description: Optional audio clip for alerting players when the objective is armed.

Default Value: null

Pulsing Lights #

Type: PulsingLight[]

Description: Optional pulsing light/s for alerting players when the objective is armed.

Default Value: null

Pulsing Emissions #

Type: PulsingEmission[]

Description: Optional pulsing emission/s for alerting players when the objective is armed.

Default Value: null

Execute On Death Event #

Type: bool

Description: Specifies whether to execute the on-death event when the objective is destroyed.

Default Value: false

On Damage Event #

Type: UnityFloatVector3Vector3GameObjectEvent

Description: Unity event invoked when taking damage.

Default Value: null

On Heal Event #

Type: UnityFloatEvent

Description: Unity event invoked when healing.

Default Value: null

On Death Event #

Type: UnityVector3Vector3GameObjectEvent

Description: Unity event invoked when the object dies.

Default Value: null

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023