MP Score Board

Description #

A classic multiplayer scoreboard that can be used for displaying player stats or for debugging purposes. The scoreboard supports both Unity GUI (UGUI) and Immediate Mode GUI (imGUI) implementations.

Note: MPScoreBoard provides a customizable scoreboard implementation for multiplayer games. It supports both UGUI and imGUI implementations. Use the UGUI implementation if you are using Unity’s UI system and use the imGUI implementation for immediate mode GUI rendering. Customize the provided prefabs, colors, fonts, and textures to match the visual style of your game.

UGUI Implementation Inspector Fields #

Refresh Rate #

Type: float

Description: The delay between refreshing data while the scoreboard is open. Specifies how often the scoreboard updates its content.

Default Value: 1f

Grid Layout Group #

Type: GridLayoutGroup

Description: The required grid layout group. If null, it will attempt to get the component from the same GameObject.

Default Value: null

Teams Parent #

Type: Transform

Description: The parent for the team containers. If null, it will use the transform of this component.

Default Value: null

Team Container Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab that will be spawned to create a container for each team.

Default Value: null

Title Row Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab to act as a title row in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

Title Spacer Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab to act as a spacer between the header and the title. Optional.

Default Value: null

Header Row Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab to act as a header row in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

Row Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab to act as a player info row in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

Cell Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab to act as a cell within each row in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

Label Prefab #

Type: GameObject

Description: The prefab containing the text component for labels in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

Row Colour A #

Type: GameObject

Description: The color scheme for alternate rows in the scoreboard, color A.

Default Value:

Row Colour B #

Type: GameObject

Description: The color scheme for alternate rows in the scoreboard, color B.

Default Value:

imGUI Implementation Inspector Variables #

Font #

Type: Font

Description: The font used for the scoreboard. Note that this cannot be altered at runtime.

Default Value: Arial

Text Font Size #

Type: int

Description: The font size for the text in the scoreboard.

Default Value: 14

Caption Font Size #

Type: int

Description: The font size for captions in the scoreboard.

Default Value: 14

Team Name Font Size #

Type: int

Description: The font size for team names in the scoreboard.

Default Value: 14

Team Score Font Size #

Type: int

Description: The font size for team scores in the scoreboard.

Default Value: 14

Background #

Type: Texture

Description: The background texture used in the scoreboard.

Default Value: null

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023