Initial Setup

First Steps

To begin with you will need to have NeoFPS Seating Controller setup and ready to go, and your character should also be setup ready to board any BoardSource. These steps can be found in the Ultimate Seating Controller Documentation.

From there it is as simple as adding the Helicopter Controller Component along with the Helicopter Input Component, then adding the Rotors and whatever other visual fields you wish to make use of. OR as always you can use the quick setup features of the editor windows, they will include the option for helicopter setup once you install this package.

The Attack Helicopter in the demo scene is setup with a Pilot seat and a Copilot seat within the Board component as per any other vehicle. Both copilot and pilot have Vehicle Weapon Shooters making this helicopter a perfect example of the flexibility.

If you wish to utilize the Fullscreen Pilot HUD UI, you can add the Helicopter Full Screen UI Monitor to a child of the canvas, much like a regular Full Screen UI Monitor. You can see an example of an accurate setup in the demo scene.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023