Board Settings

Closest Seat Entry

When true character will enter the first available seat that is closest to them. When false the character will simply enter the first available seat.


For different characters you can set this value to set the character into correct position. Saves changing seat reference positions.

Input Change Seat Forward

The name of the input that allows changing seats forwards.

NOTE: Default is “OpticsLightPlus”. Default key is numpad +

Input Change Seat Backward

The name of the input that allows changing seats backwards.

NOTE: Default is “OpticsLightMinus”. Default key is numpad –


If you are not using the demo character as a template, or already have your own character you wish to integrate, then you must ensure all of your shooters have impact layers that include “Boardable” layer. The character will not be able to damage vehicles otherwise.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023