MP Rush Ability

Description #

This ability allows the character to arm and disarm rush objectives and can display UI to show progress of arming or disarming by utilizing the Attribute Manager.

Note: MPRushAbility provides the functionality for the character to interact with rush objectives, specifically arming and disarming them. It also involves UI display to indicate the progress of arming or disarming. The m_CancelDistance variable sets the maximum distance at which the action is canceled if the character moves too far from the objective. Adjust this value as needed based on the desired gameplay mechanics.

Inspector Fields #

Cancel Distance #

Type: float

Description: If arming or disarming and the character moves further than this value away from the objective, the action will be cancelled. This distance determines the threshold at which the arming or disarming action is considered canceled if the character moves too far from the objective.

Default Value: 2f

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023