Item Setup for use with Vehicle Weapon

(NOTE: Character Items only apply to UCC v2!)


No Item Setup #

Vehicle Weapon Shooters can be used without any pickup, or character item.

The Vehicle Weapon Shooter Pickup field should be null. You will then get some

extra options for the full screen ui, crosshairs and item icon.

Pro Tip: Use attribute for a cooldown for overheat.

Minor Item Setup #

Vehicle Weapon Shooters can be used with a pickup, and character item. The

minimal setup is best used when you only want an Icon and Crosshairs displayed

and there is no ammunition requirements. The character Item should only contain

Item components, no ShootableWeapon components.

NOTE: You can now set crosshairs, full screen UI and icon directly in the

VehicleWeaponShooter component, therefore this setup has become obsolete in v3.

Its much easier and faster to setup without using any character item.

Pro Tip: Use attribute for a cooldown for overheat.

Major Item Setup #

Full UCC character Shootable Weapon system, best used when there is requirement

for ammunition consumption and reload functionality.

As per Minimal Item setup except with Shootable Weapon components.

Pro Tip: Use attribute for a cooldown for overheat, yes you still can combine


For Minor Item and Major Item Setups #

The Item has two fields that need to be set with a dummy prefab, they are First

Person Perspective Item > Render > Visible Item, and Third Person Perspective Item

> Render > Object. See Images on next page.

Also be sure to define the Item Sets in the character’s Item Set Manager or on the

Pickup. Standard procedure for a UCC item.

Please see Character Item GameObject Structure next…

Character Item Object Structure #

Root GameObject #

First Person GameObject #

Third Person GameObject #

What are your feelings
Updated on August 14, 2023