Mini Map Scene Object

Description #

MiniMapSceneObject is a component that is part of the MiniMap system. It represents an object in the scene that will be registered and displayed on the minimap. Add this component to the scene object to be tracked and displayed.

Note: MiniMapSceneObject is used to represent objects in the scene that will be displayed on the minimap. Customize the variables according to the specific requirements of your game to control the appearance and behavior of the map icons for different GameObjects, such as adjusting the icon size, rotation, and visibility.

Inspector Fields #

Owner Is Game Object #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if a spawn button should be added to the map icon object.

Default Value: true

Spawn Grouping #

Type: int

Description: The spawn grouping for the map icon object button.

Default Value: -1

Sync Respawner Grouping #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the respawning character should have the respawner grouping synced. If true, the player can automatically respawn at the last selected spawn grouping, provided it is still valid. If it is not valid, the respawner will reset to the team grouping.

Default Value: true

Register On Enable #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the component should register itself.

Default Value: true

Sync Enabled #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the map icon object should be hidden when this GameObject is disabled.

Default Value: true

Register Death #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the Death event should be registered. If true, the map icon object will be disabled on death.

Default Value: true

Register Respawn #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the Respawn event should be registered. If true, the map icon object will be re-enabled on respawn.

Default Value: true

Override Type #

Type: OverrideType (enum)

Description: Determines the override type for the icon rotation. This specifies whether the icon should rotate with the GameObject or not.

Default Value:

Friendly Icon #

Type: Sprite

Description: The icon to be used for the GameObject when it is on the friendly team.

Default Value: null

Enemy Icon #

Type: Sprite

Description: The icon to be used for the GameObject when it is on the enemy team.

Default Value: null

Custom Icon #

Type: Sprite

Description: A custom icon for the GameObject. This overrides the friendly and enemy icons and can be useful for scene objects.

Default Value: null

Team Color Custom Icon #

Type: bool

Description: If using a custom icon, determines if the team color should be set when boarding. If false, it will use the boarding character’s icon color.

Default Value: true

Icon Size #

Type: Vector2

Description: The size of the icon.

Default Value:

Rotate With Object #

Type: bool

Description: Determines if the icon should rotate with the GameObject.

Default Value: true

Up #

Type: Vector3Int

Description: Adjusts the up axis of the icon according to the GameObject. Each axis value can be -1, 0, or 1.

Default Value: Vector3(0, 1, 0)

Icon Offset Rotation #

Type: float

Description: Adjusts the initial rotation of the icon.

Default Value: 0

Clamp Icon #

Type: bool

Description: If true, the icons will be clamped within the border of the map display.

Default Value: true

Hide Distance #

Type: float

Description: Sets the distance from the target after which the icon will not be shown. A value of 0 will always show the icon.

Default Value: 0

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Updated on August 14, 2023